inverse problems for a mathematical model of breast cancer-凯发平台登录


报告题目: inverse problems for a mathematical model of breast cancer
报 告 人: prof. yongzhi steve xu
  department of mathematics, university of louisville, usa
报告时间: 6月9号下午3:30
报告地点: 九龙湖校区数学系第一学术报告厅
报告摘要: ductal carcinoma in situ (dcis) of the breast is the most common precursor to invasive carcinoma. there has been great progress in modeling dcis at both the cellular scale (e.g., using cellular automata and agentbased models) and the population scale (e.g., using partial differential equations or systems of ordinary differential equations). in this talk we will present some results of our research on population scale mathematical modeling, analysis, and numerical simulations of dcis. in particular, we formulate a number of inverse problems for the well-posed free boundary valued problem related to clinical diagnose of cancer. the possible application to patient-specific breast cancer modeling will be discussed.
报告人介绍: prof. yongzhi steve xu received phd degree in mathematics from university of delaware in 1990. he joined the department of mathematics, university of louisville in 2004. he is now the vice president of international society for analysis, its applications and computation (isaac). his research interests include inverse scattering problems, mathematical modeling of breast cancer, computational acoustics etc. prof. xu has published more than 90 papers. he is the editor -in-chief of two journals, “applicable analysis” and “complex variables and elliptic equations ”. he is also a member of editorial boards of three journals, “mathematical methods in applied sciences”, “taiwanese journal of mathematics”, and “isrn mathematics physics”.