报告题目: | locating multiple multi-scale electromagnetic scatterers by a single far-field measurement |
报 告 人: | prof. hongyu liu |
department of mathematics and statistics, university of north carolina | |
报告时间: | 6月9号下午2:30-3:30 |
报告地点: | 九龙湖校区数学系第一报告厅 |
相关介绍: | 摘要: in this talk, i will describe an inverse scattering scheme of locating electromagnetic scatterers. the proposed method can work in an extremely general setting. the number of scatterer components is not required to be known. the physical properties of each scatterer component is not required to be known either. there might be both small-size components and regular-size components compared to the detecting em wavelength) presented at the same time. for the regular-size components, we need know the possible shapes in advance. our method works to locate all the scatterer components by using only a single far-field measurement. theoretical justifications will be briefly discussed and numerical results will be demonstrated. 报告人介绍:prof. hongyu liu received his phd degree in mathematics from the chinese university of hong kong in 2007. now he works at the department of mathematics and statistics, university of north carolina. his research interests include inverse problems, partial differential equations, scattering theory and numerical analysis etc. prof. liu has published about 50 papers. |