mathematical and numerical analyses of thermally coupled nonlinear darcy flow-凯发平台登录


报告题目: mathematical and numerical analyses of thermally coupled nonlinear darcy flow
报 告 人: 朱江教授
  (national laboratory for scientific computing (lncc)ministry of science, technology and innovation (mcti))
报告时间: 1月17日(周四)下午2:00
报告地点: 九龙湖数学系第一报告厅
相关介绍:  in this talk, we consider the nonlinear darcy or hele-shaw flow with a temperature dependent viscosity, and the thermal balance includes viscous heating. we study class and nonlinear mixed variational formulations and establish their existence and uniqueness. then we propose finite element approximations combined with a fixed point algorithm and give the convergence analysis with an error estimate between continuous solution and its iterative finite element approximation. finally, we present some numerical results.