matching quantiles estimation-凯发平台登录


报告题目: matching quantiles estimation
报 告 人: 姚琦伟教授
报告时间: 2013年4月24日(周三)下午14:30-16:00
报告地点: 四牌楼系会议室
相关介绍: 摘要:motivated by a backtesting problem for counterparty credit risk management, we
propose a new matching quantiles estimation (mqe) method, for selecting
representative portfolios. an iterative procedure based on the ordinary
least squares estimation (lse) is proposed to compute the mqe. the convergence
of the algorithm and the asymptotic properties of the estimation are
established. a new measure and an associated statistical test are proposed
to assess the goodness-of-match. the finite sample properties are
illustrated numerically by both simulation and a real data example on
selecting a counterparty representative portfolio.  the proposed mqe also
finds applications in portfolio tracking, which demonstrates the
potential usefulness of combing  the mqe with the lasso.
