moments and classification for conjugation-凯发平台登录


报告题目: moments and classification for conjugation-invariant distributions
报 告 人: dr. christian rau
  school of mathematical sciences, monash university, australia
报告时间: 11月17日下午两点
报告地点: 九龙湖数学系第一报告厅
相关介绍: abstract: in this talk i shall discuss a relationship between moments
of certain densities related to rotation distributions,
based on a simple geometric idea, as well as a bayes
classifier that parallels a well-known formula for
the multivariate normal distribution in euclidean space.
these results are then utilised in the study of a generalisation
of the stochastic radon transform introduced for a
inverse problem in tomography by panaretos (ann. statist., 2009).
only an elementary knowledge of probability and statistics
will be assumed, and the necessary background will be introduced
in the talk.