

报告题目: 1-d quintic nls with white noise dispersion
报 告 人: professor yoshio tsutsumi
  department of mathematics,kyoto university
报告时间: 2012.11.20(周二)14:00―15:00
报告地点: 九龙湖数学系第一报告厅
相关介绍: 摘要: we consider the cauchy problem for the 1-d quintic nls with
white noise dispersion.
this equation is thought of as the limit of the nls with random
dispersion, which describes the propagation of a signal in an optical
fiber with managed dispersion.
we show the almost surely global existence of solution, no matter
whether the coefficient of nonlinear term is positive or negative, while
there are blowup solutions in the deternimistic focusing case.
our proof is based on the stochastic version of the strichartz estimate.
this is a joint work with arnaud debussche (ecole normale superieure de
cachan, attenne de bretagne).

报告人简介:yoshio tsutsumi教授1985年毕业于东京大学数学与应用科学系,现任京都大学数学系教授。tsutsumi教授是日本偏微分方程领域的领军人物之一。
在《bull.amer.math.soc》,《comm.math.phys.》,《comm. partial differential equations》,《siam j.math.anal.》,《j.funct.anal.》,《j.math.pures appl.》,《math.ann.》,《publ.res.inst.math.sci.》等国际著名期刊上发表多篇高水平的研究论文。论文被引达980次。
