recent results on embedding diffeomorphisms in flows-凯发平台登录


报告题目: recent results on embedding diffeomorphisms in flows
报 告 人: 张祥 教授
报告时间: 10月14日下午两点
报告地点: 数学系第一报告厅
       张祥教授相关介绍:上海交通大学数学系教授,博士生导师,1984.09―1988.06, 安徽师范大学数学系本科生, 1988.09―1991.06, 安徽师范大学数学系硕士生, 1994.09―1997.06, 南京大学数学系博士生,1999.03―2001.03, 西班牙巴塞罗那数学研究中心博士后。
i) 发表论文清单
1 zhang, xiang global structure of quaternion polynomial differential    equations.
comm. math. phys. 303 (2011), no. 2, 301�316
2 zhang, xiang the 16th hilbert problem on algebraic limit cycles.
j. differential equations 251 (2011), no. 7, 1779�1799.
3 zhang, xiang the embedding flows of $c^\infty$c∞ hyperbolic diffeomorphisms.
j. differential equations 250 (2011), no. 5, 2283�2298
4 wang cong; llibre jaume; zhang, xiang generalized rational first integrals of analytic differential systems.
j. differential equations 251 (2011), no. 10, 2770�2788.
5 liu, fei; llibre, jaume; zhang, xiang heteroclinic orbits for a class of hamiltonian systems on riemannian manifolds.
discrete contin. dyn. syst. 29 (2011), no. 3, 1097�1111
6 zhang, xiang embedding smooth diffeomorphisms in flows.
j. differential equations 248 (2010), no. 7, 1603�1616.
7 zhang, xiang embedding diffeomorphisms in flows in banach spaces.
    ergodic theory dynam. systems 29 (2009), no.4,1349�1367.
8 llibre, jaume; zhang, xiang hopf bifurcation in higher dimensional differential systems via the averaging method.
pacific j. math. 240 (2009), no. 2, 321�341.
9 llibre, jaume; zhang, xiang darboux theory of integrability in $\bbb c^n$cn    
taking into account the multiplicity.
j. differential equations 246 (2009), no. 2, 541�551.
10 chen, jian; yi, yingfei; zhang, xiang first integrals and normal
forms for germs of analytic vector fields.
j. differential equations 245 (2008), no. 5, 1167�1184.
11 liu, fei; chen, cheng; zhang, xiang integrable hamiltonian systems with positive topological entropy.
bull. sci. math. 133 (2009), no. 8, 837�847.
12 zhang, xiang analytic normalization of analytic integrable systems and the embedding flows.
j. differential equations 244 (2008), no. 5, 1080�1092.
13 llibre, jaume; zhang, xiang on the algebraic limit cycles of liénard systems.
nonlinearity 21 (2008), no. 9, 2011�2022.
14 chen, cheng; cao, jinlong; zhang, xiang the topological structure of the rabinovich system having an invariant algebraic surface.
nonlinearity 21 (2008), no. 2, 211�220.
ii) 主持基金情况(近五年)
1 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,           2006--2008
2        上海市浦江计划,                          2009--2011
1        常微分方程与动力系统的分支理论和应用,     2009―2012
      国家自然科学基金重点项目(10831003) 主要成员、子项目负责人
 2  有限维动力系统可积的代数、几何与拓扑性质,  2007―2009
      国家自然科学基金面上项目(10671123)        主持人
 1.“advances in qualitative theory of differential equations”
      september 12-16, 2011,in castro urdiales,  spain.
      talk title: generalized rational first integrals of analytic differential systems
      (大会特邀报告-plenary talk)
 2.“mini-workshop: algebraic and analytic techniques for polynomial vector  
     december 12-18, in the mathematisches forschungsinstitut oberwolfach,   
     talk title: darboux theory of integrability
     (会议1小时特邀报告 30分钟讨论)
 3.“classical problems on planar polynomial vector field”
     november 23―28,2008, in banff,  canada
     talk title: darboux theory of integrability for polynomial differential systems
4. “conference on boundary value problems, mathematical models in engineering,
 biology and medicine.
     september 16-19,  2008,  in santiago de compostela,  spain
talk title:    analytic normalization of analytic integrable systems
 1. august 28―september 11, 2011,
 2. october 1,2007―september 30, 2008,
       crm,barcelona,spain, 访问教授(合作研究)
 3. september 12-16, 2011,in castro urdiales,  spain.
       出席advances in qualitative theory of differential equations国际会议
 4. december 12--18,  mfo,  germany
出席algebraic and analytic techniques for polynomial vector fields国际会议
5. november 23―28,2008, banff,  canada
       出席classical problems on planar polynomial vector field国际会议
 6.  september 16-19,  2008,  santiago de compostela,  spain
出席conference on boundary value problems, mathematical models in   
     engineering, biology and medicine国际会议
1. <理论数学>杂志编委
2.   systems> 杂志编委
 journal of differential equations  
 journal of mathematical physics
 proceedings of the american mathematical society
 journal of dynamics and differential equations
 discrete and continuous dynamical systems-series a
   siam journal on imaging sciences
 international journal of bifurcation and chaos
 qualitative theory of dynamical systems
 rocky mountain journal of mathematics
 journal of mathematical analysis and applications
 czechoslovak mathematical journal
 advance in difference equations
 the canadian applied mathematics quarterly