modulation and control of oscillations in various systems-凯发平台登录


报告题目: modulation and control of oscillations in various systems
报 告 人: 林伟教授
报告时间: saturday, 24 december 2011, 10:10am � 11:00am
报告地点: 东南大学四牌楼校区五四楼三楼数学系会议室
both frequency and amplitude modulations (fm & am) are crucial to information processing and functions realization in real physical, chemical and even biological systems.   in this talk, a simple but rigorous approach is developed to modulate an oscillator, either in the frequency or in the amplitude domain.   the proposed approach is first applied to the normal form undergoing the supercritical hopf bifurcation where analytical formulations to modulate frequencies and amplitudes are obtained.  to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach, both fm and am for the fitzhugh-nagumo model are designed.   moreover, a delayed feedback control is investigated for stabilizing the oscillation to equilibria.   for achieving the stabilization of some oscillation, a particular kind of feedback configuration is required, which has not been reported in the literature.


wei lin was born in shanghai, china, in 1976.  he received the ph.d. degree in applied mathematics from , shanghai, china, in july 1998.  in march 2003, dr. lin, as a lecturer, joined the , fudan university, china, where, presently, he is a professor of applied mathematics.   he is the associate editor of the .   he received the second prize of the  for young scientists in universities in 2010, and was selected as the and new century excellent talent of the ministry of education in, respectively, 2010 and 2011.  his research interests include: nonlinear dynamical systems, bifurcation and chaos theory, stochastic differential and difference equations, chaos control and synchronization, time series analysis, and computational systems biology.
