system science department
  • jianquan lu received the ph.d. degree in applied mathematics from city university of hong kong, hong kong, in 2009. from 2010 to 2012, he was an alexander von humboldt research fellow in pik, germany. he is currently a professor at the school of mathematics, southeast university, nanjing, china. his current research interests include collective behavior in complex dynamical networks and multi-agent systems, logical networks, and hybrid systems. he has published over 90 papers in refereed international journals. dr. lu was named as a highly-cited researcher by clarivate analytics in 2018, and he was elected most cited chinese researchers by elsevier in 2014-2018, the recipient of an alexander von humboldt fellowship in 2010, program for new century excellent talents in university by the ministry of education, china in 2010, and the second award of jiangsu provincial progress in science and technology in 2016 as the first project member.
    2014.05-now professor, southeast university, nanjing, china.
    2016.01-2018.12 young distinguished professor, southeast university, nanjing, china.
    2009.07-2014.04 associate professor, southeast university, nanjing, china. 2015.07-2015.08 research visitor, texas a&m university at qatar, qatar.
    2014.07-2014.09 senior research associate, city university of hong kong, hong kong, china.
    2010.10-2012.09 humboldt research fellow, potsdam institute for climate impact research, germany.
    2014.01-2014.01 research visitor, king abdulaziz university, saudi arabia.
    2013.07-2013.09 research visitor, texas a&m university at qatar, qatar.
    2011.01.24-2011.01.29 research visitor, university of glamorgan, united kingdom.
    2011.01-2011.02 research fellow, brunel university, united kingdom.
    2010.01-2010.02 senior research associate, city university of hong kong, hong kong, china.
    2009.07-2009.09 research associate, city university of hong kong, hong kong, chi
    2006.07-2009.06 city university of hong kong, hong kong, advisor: prof. daniel w.c. ho. phd in applied mathematics
    2003.09-2006.03 southeast university, nanjing, china, advisor: prof. jinde cao. master degree in applied mathematics
    1999.09-2003.06 zhejiang normal university, jinhua, china bachelor degree in mathematics
  • 数学学院-凯发平台登录

    [1].b.x. jiang, j.q. lu, and y. liu, exponential stability of delayed systems with average-delay impulses, siam journal on control and optimization, in press.

    [2].j.q. lu, j.j. yang, j.g. lou, and j.l. qiu, event-triggered sampled feedback synchronization in an array of output-coupled boolean control networks, ieee transactions on cybernetics, doi:10.1109/tcyb.2019.2939761, in press.

    [3].j.q. lu, r.j. liu, j.g. lou, and y. liu, pinning stabilization of boolean control networks via minimum number of controllers, ieee transactions on cybernetics, doi:10.1109/tcyb.2019.2944659, in press.

    [4].j.q. lu, y.q. wang, x.c. shi, and j.d. cao, finite-time bipartite consensus for multi-agent systems under detail-balanced antagonistic interactions, ieee transactions on systems, man and cybernetics: systems (regular paper), doi: 10.1109/tsmc.2019.2938419, in press.

    [5].j.q. lu, b.w. li, and j. zhong, a novel synthesis method for reliable feedback shift registers via boolean networks, science china: information sciences, in press, doi:10.1007/s11432-020-2981-4.

    [6].s.y. zhu, j.q. lu, t.w. huang, and y. liu, the output robustness of probabilistic boolean control networks with respect to one-bit perturbation, ieee transactions on control of network systems, doi:10.1109/tcns.2020.2999456, in press, 2020.

    [7].b.w. li, and j.q. lu, boolean-network-based approach for the construction of filter generators, science china: information sciences, doi:10.1007/s11432-019-2813-7, in press.

    [8].y. liu, l.q. wang, j.q. lu, and l. yu. pinning stabilization of stochastic networks with finite states via controlling minimal nodes, ieee transactions on cybernetics, in press.

    [9].j. zhong, b.w. li, y.liu, j.q. lu, and w.h. gui, steady state design of large-dimensionalboolean networks, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, doi:10.1109/tnnls.2020.2980632,in press, 2020.

    [10].c. huang, j.q. lu, g.s. zhai, j.d. cao, g.p. lu, and m. perc. stability and stabilization in probability of probabilistic boolean networks. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, doi: 10.1109/tnnls.2020.2978345, 2020.

    [11].p. li, x.d. li and j.q. lu, input-to-state stability of impulsive delay systems with multiple impulses, ieee transactions on automatic control, doi:, 2020, in press.

    [12].l.q. wang, y. liu, z.g. wu, j.q. lu, and l. yu. stabilization and finite time stabilization of probabilistic boolean control networks. ieee transactions on systems, man and cybernetics: systems (regular paper), doi: , in press.

    [13].l.q. wang, m. fang, z.g. wu, and j.q. lu. necessary and sufficient condition on pinning stabilization for stochastic boolean networks. ieee transactions on cybernetics, doi: 10.1109/tcyb.2019.2931051, 2019.

    [14].s.y. zhu, j.q. lu, and y. liu. asymptotical stability of probabilistic boolean networks with state delays. ieee transactions on automatic control, 65(4): 1779-1784, april 2020.

    [15].r.j. liu, j.q. lu, w.x. zheng, and j. kurths. output feedback control for set stabilization of boolean control networks. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 31(6): 2129-2139, june 2020.

    [16].b.x. jiang, j.q. lu, y. liu, j.d. cao, periodic event-triggered adaptive control for attitude stabilization under input saturation, ieee transactions on circuits and systems i: regular papers, 67(1): 249-258, jan. 2020.

    [17].b.w. li, j.q. lu, y. liu, and z.g. wu. the outputs robustness of boolean control networks via pinning control. ieee transactions on control of network systems, 7(1):201-209, march 2020.

    [18].s.y. zhu, j.q. lu, and d.w.c. ho. finite-time stability of probabilistic logical networks: a topological sorting approach. ieee transactions on circuits and systems ii: express briefs, 67(4):695-699, 2020.

    [19].y. liu, b.x. jiang, j.q. lu, j.d. cao, g.p. lu. event-triggered sliding mode control for attitude stabilization of a rigid spacecraft. ieee transactions on systems, man and cybernetics: systems (regular paper), 50(9): 3290-3299, sep. 2020.

    [20].x.s. yang, x.d. li, j.q. lu, and z.s. cheng. synchronization of time-delayed complex networks with switching topology via hybrid actuator fault and impulsive effects control. ieee transactions on cybernetics, 50(9):4043-4052, 2020.

    [21].s.y. zhu, y. liu, j.g. lou, j.q. lu, f.e. alsaadi. sampled-data state feedback control for the set stabilization of boolean control networks. ieee transactions on systems, man and cybernetics: systems (regular paper), 50(4):1580-1589, april 2020.

    [22].b.w. li, y. liu, j.g. lou, j.q. lu, and j.d. cao. the robustness of outputs with respect to disturbances for boolean control networks. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 31(3): 1046-1051, march 2020.

    [23].y. liu, y.l. zheng, j.q. lu, j.d. cao, and l. rutkowski. constrained quaternion-variable convex optimization: a quaternion-valued recurrent neural network approach. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 31(3): 1022-1035, march 2020.

    [24].y.q. wang, j.q. lu, and y.j. lou. halanay-type inequality with delayed impulses and its applications. science china: information sciences, 62(9): 192206, 2019.

    [25].b.w. li, j.q. lu, j. zhong, y. liu. fast-time stability of temporal boolean networks. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 30(8): 2285-2294, august 2019.

    [26].y.q. wang, j.q. lu, j.l. liang, j.d. cao, and m. perc. pinning synchronization of nonlinear coupled lur’e networks under hybrid impulses. ieee transactions on circuits and systems ii: express briefs, 66(3):432-436, 2019.

    [27].b.w. li, j.q. lu, y. liu, and w.x. zheng. the local convergence of boolean networks with disturbances. ieee transactions on circuits and systems ii: express briefs, 66(4): 667-671, april 2019.

    [28].j. zhong, d.w.c. ho, j.q. lu and q. jiao. pinning controllers for activation output tracking of boolean network under one-bit perturbation. ieee transactions on cybernetics, 49(9):3398-3408, 2019.

    [29].q.x. zhu, y. liu, j.q. lu, j.d. cao. controllability and observability of boolean control networks via sampled-data control. ieee transactions on control of network systems, 6(4):1291-1301, 2019.

    [30].q.x. zhu, y. liu, j.q. lu, and j.d. cao. further results on the controllability of boolean control networks. ieee transactions on automatic control, 64(1):440-442, 2019.

    [31].x.s. yang, q. song, j.d. cao, and j.q. lu. synchronization of coupled markovian reaction-diffusion neural networks with proportional delays via quantized control. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 30(3):951-958, 2019.

    [32].y. liu, l.y. tong, j.g. lou, j.q. lu, and j.d. cao. sampled-data control for the synchronization of boolean control networks. ieee transactions on cybernetics, 49(2): 726-732, 2019.

    [33].j.q. lu, l.j. sun, y. liu, d.w.c. ho, j.d. cao. stabilization of boolean control networks under aperiodic sampled-data control. siam journal on control and optimization, 56(6)4385-4404, 2018.

    [34].j.q. lu, m.l. li, t.w. huang, y. liu, j.d. cao. the transformation between the galois nlfsrs and the fibonacci nlfsrs via semi-tensor product of matrices. automatica,96:010204, 2018.

    [35].y. liu, d.d. zhang, j.g. lou, j.q. lu, and j.d. cao. stability analysis of quaternion-valued neural networks: decomposition and direct approaches. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 29(9): 4201-4211,september 2018.

    [36].z.z. wu, y.q. wu, z.g. wu, and j.q. lu. event-based synchronization of heterogeneous complex networks subject to transmission delays. ieee transactions on systems, man and cybernetics: systems (regular paper), 48(12):2126-2134, 2018.

    [37].r.j. liu, j.q. lu, y. liu, j.d. cao, and z.g. wu. delayed feedback control for stabilization of boolean control networks with state delay. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 29(7):3283-3288, 2018.

    [38].j.q. lu, m.l. li, y. liu, d.w.c. ho, j. kurths. nonsingularity of grain-likecascade fsrs via semi-tensor product. science china: information sciences,61(1):010204, 2018.

    [39].q.x. zhu, y. liu, j.q. lu, and j.d. cao. observability of boolean controlnetworks. science china: information sciences, 61:092201, 2018.

    [40].x.h. li, j.q. lu, j.l. qiu, x.y. chen, x.d. li and f.e. alsaadi. set stabilityfor switched boolean networks under open-loop/closed-loop switching signals.science china: information sciences, 61:092207, 2018.

    [41].h.t. li, t.l. shen, and j.q. lu. special focus on analysis and control of finite-valued network systems. science china: information sciences, 61(1):010200, 2018.

    [42].q.x. zhu, y. liu, j.q. lu, and j.d. cao. on the optimal control of boolean control networks. siam journal on control and optimization, 56(2): 1321-1341,2018.

    [43].h.w. chen, j.l. liang, j.q. lu, and j.l. qiu. synchronization for the realization-dependent probabilistic boolean networks. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 29(4):819-831, april 2018.

    [44].y. liu, j.d. cao, b.w. li, and j.q. lu. normalization and solvability of dynamic-algebraic boolean networks. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 29(7):3301-3306, 2018.

    [45].r.q. lu, p. shi, h.y. su, z.g. wu, and j.q. lu. synchronization of general chaotic neural networks with nonuniform sampling and packet missing: a switched system approach. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 29(3):523-533, march 2018.

    [46].j. zhong, j.q. lu, t.w. huang, d.w.c. ho. controllability and synchronization analysis of identical-hierarchy mixed-valued logical control networks. ieee transactions on cybernetics, 47(11): 3482-3493, 2017.

    [47].y. liu, b.w. li, j.q. lu, and j.d. cao. pinning control for the disturbance decoupling of boolean networks. ieee transactions on automatic control,62(12):6595-6601, 2017.

    [48].j. zhong, d.w.c. ho, j.q. lu and w.y. xu. global robust stability and stabilization of boolean network with disturbances. automatica, 84:142-148, 2017.

    [49].h.w. chen, j.l. liang, and j.q. lu. partial synchronization of interconnected boolean networks. ieee transactions on cybernetics - regular paper, 47(1):258-266, 2017.

    [50].j.q. lu, j. zhong, d.w.c. ho, y. tang and j.d. cao. on controllability of delayed boolean control networks. siam journal on control and optimization, 54(2): 475-494, 2016.

    [51].j.q. lu, j. zhong, c. huang and j.d. cao. on pinning controllability of boolean control networks. ieee transactions on automatic control, 61(6):1658-1663, 2016.

    [52].x.s. yang and j.q. lu. finite-time synchronization of coupled networks with markovian topology and impulsive effects. ieee transactions on automatic control,61(8):2256-2261, 2016.

    [53].y. liu, l.j. sun, j.q. lu and j.l. liang. feedback controller design for the synchronization of boolean control networks. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 27(9):1991-1996, 2016.

    [54].y. tang, h.j. gao, w. du, j.q. lu, a.v. vasilakos, and j. kurths. robust multiobjective controllability of neuronal networks. ieee/acm transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, 13(4):778-791, 2016.

    [55].x.s. yang, d.w.c. ho, j.q. lu and q. song. finite-time cluster synchronization of t-s fuzzy complex networks with discontinuous subsystems and random coupling. ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, 23(6):2302-2316, 2015.

    [56].c. huang, d.w.c. ho, j.q. lu and j. kurths. pinning synchronization in t-s fuzzy complex networks with partial and discrete-time couplings. ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, 23(4):1274-1285, august 2015.

    [57].y. liu, h.w. chen, j.q. lu, and b.wu. controllability of probabilistic boolean control networks based on transition probability matrices. automatica, 52:340-345, 2015.

    [58].j. zhong, j.q. lu, y. liu and j.d. cao. synchronization in an array of output-coupled boolean networks with time delay. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 25(12): 2288-2294, 2014.

    [59].y. tang, h.j. gao, j.q. lu, and j. kurths. pinning distributed synchronization of stochastic dynamical networks: a mixed optimization approach. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 25(10): 1804-1815, oct. 2014.

    [60].l.l. li, d.w.c. ho, and j.q. lu. a unified approach to practical consensus with quantized data and time delay. ieee transactions on circuits and systems-i: regular paper, 60(10):2668–2678,2013.

    [61].n. mahdavi, m.b. menhaj, j. kurths, and j.q. lu. fuzzy complex dynamical networks and its synchronization. ieee transactions on cybernetics – regular paper, 43(2):648-659, 2013.

    [62].x.s. yang, j.d. cao, and j.q. lu. synchronization of randomly coupled neural networks with markovian jumping and time-delay. ieee transactions on circuits and systems-i: regular paper, 60(2):363-376, 2013.

    [63].j.q. lu, j. kurths, j.d. cao, n. mahdavi, and c. huang. synchronization control for nonlinear stochastic dynamical networks: pinning impulsive strategy. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, regular paper, 23(2):285–292, 2012.

    [64].x.s. yang, j.d. cao, and j.q. lu. synchronization of markovian coupled neural networks with nonidentical node-delays and random coupling strengths. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, regular paper, 23(1):60–71, 2012.

    [65].x.s. yang, j.d. cao, and j.q. lu. stochastic synchronization of complex networks with nonidentical nodes via hybrid adaptive and impulsive control. ieee transactions on circuits and systems-i: regular paper, 59(2):371–384, 2012.

    [66].c. huang, d.w.c. ho, and j.q. lu. partial-information-based distributed filtering in two-targets tracking sensor network. ieee transactions on circuits and systems-i: regular paper, 59(4):820-832, 2012.

    [67].j.q. lu, d.w.c. ho, j.d. cao, and j. kurths. exponential synchronization of linearly coupled neural networks with impulsive disturbances, ieee transactions on neural networks, 22(2):329-335, 2011.

    [68].y. liu, s.w. zhao, and j.q. lu, a new fuzzy impulsive control of chaotic systems based on t-s fuzzy model, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, 19(2):393-398, apr 2011.

    [69].j.q. lu,d.w.c. ho, and j.d. cao. a unified synchronization criterion for impulsive dynamical networks. automatica, 46:1215-1221, 2010.

    [70].j.q. lu and d.w.c. ho. globally exponential synchronization and synchronizability for general dynamical networks. ieee transactions on systems, man and cybernetics, part b regular paper, 40(2):350-361, 2010.

    [71].j.q. lu, d.w.c. ho, and z.d. wang. pinning stabilization of linearly coupled stochastic neural networks via minimum number of controllers. ieee transactions on neural networks, regular paper, 20(10):1617-1629, 2009.

    [72].j.q. lu, j.d. cao, and d.w.c. ho. adaptive stabilization and synchronization for chaotic lur’e systems with time-varying delay. ieee transactions on circuits and systems-i: regular paper, 55(5):1347–1356, 2008.

  • 2018.11 highly cited researcher in cross-field, clarivate analytics

    2018.01 2017 most cited chinese researchers (mathematics), elsevier.

    2017.01 the second award of jiangsu provincial progress in science and technology,

    the first project member.

    2010.12 the first award of jiangsu provincial progress in science and technology,

    the second project member.

    2017.01.07 jiangsu province mathematics achievement award.

    2017.02.27 2016 most cited chinese researchers (mathematics), elsevier.

    2016.01 2015 most cited chinese researchers (mathematics), elsevier.

    2014.12 2014 most cited chinese researchers (mathematics), elsevier,


    2015.05 25 articles for 25 years of chaos (j.d. cao, j.q. lu, chaos, 16(1):013133,

    2006), http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/chaos/info/anniversary?section=25 articles%our paper “j.d. cao and j.q. lu. adaptive synchronization of neural networks with or without time-varying delay. chaos, 16(1):013133, 2006 has been selected for inclusion in the collection 25 articles for 25 years, which celebrates the 25th anniversary of chaos. one article from every year has been selected to represent the depth and breadth of nonlinear science historically and today. articles were chosen for their importance to the community, for their impact on the direction of nonlinear science, and to reflect the variety of exciting research in nonlinear science undertaken all over the world.

    2015.04 the best reviewers of 2014, asian journal of control.

    2010 program for new century excellent talents in university, the ministry of education,


    2015.02 most cited chinese researchers, elsevier.

    2011 the third scopus young researcher award –bronze award, youth association

    of the chinese academy of science.

    2009.11 alexander von humboldt fellowship, alexander von humboldt foundation, germany.

    2015.02 winner of outstanding reviewers of 2014, asian journal of control.

    2013.12 the tenth natural science outstanding paper award in nanjing, the first


    2011.05.17 the best paper award, the 8th asian control conference (ascc 2011), may 15-18, 2011, kaohsiung, taiwan, (c. huang, d.w.c. ho, w.j. xiong, and j.q. lu. two-targets tracking problem in sensor network with partial information transmission).

    2009.04 research tuition scholarship, city university of hong kong.

    2007-2008 outstanding academic performance award, city university of hong kong.

    2008.04 research tuition scholarship, city university of hong kong.

    2007.04 research tuition scholarship, city university of hong kong.

    2006-2007 outstanding academic performance award, city university of hong kong.

    2007.11 1st highest impact outstanding paper award in china, the institute of science

    and technology information of china, chaos 16, 013133 (2006).

    2007.08 jiangsu provincial outstanding master’s thesis award, jiangsu provincial department of education.

    2007.07 research highlight of by editor tim reid, [chaos 15, 043901 (2005)], . 2004-2005 excellent post graduate award, southeast university.

  • associate editor

    018– journal of system science and mathematical science chinese series (in chinese)

    associate editor

    2018– ieee access (ieee, 2017 sci impact factor: 3.557)

    2016– journal of the franklin institute (elsevier, 2017 sci impact factor: 3.576)


    2016– journal of control and decision (in chinese) (ei indexed)

    2012– neural computing and applications (springer, 2017 sci impact factor: 4.213)

    2011– neural processing letters (springer, 2017 sci impact factor: 1.787)


    guest editor

    2019 “special issue on complex systems and networks in frontiers of information

    technology & electronic engineering (zhejiang university press) (2017 sci impact

    factor: 0.910)

    2017 “special focus on analysis and control of finite-valued network systems in science

    china: information sciences (2017 sci impact factor: 2.188)

    2016 special issue “recent developments in logical networks and its applications in iet control theory & applications (iet, 2015 sci impact factor: 1.957)

    2010 special issue “isnn2010 in mathematics and computers in simulation (elsevier, 2015 sci impact factor: 1.124)

    reviewer for mathematical reviews

    2013– reviewer for mathematical reviews
