[1].b.x. jiang, j.q. lu, and y. liu, exponential stability of delayed systems with average-delay impulses, siam journal on control and optimization, in press.
[2].j.q. lu, j.j. yang, j.g. lou, and j.l. qiu, event-triggered sampled feedback synchronization in an array of output-coupled boolean control networks, ieee transactions on cybernetics, doi:10.1109/tcyb.2019.2939761, in press.
[3].j.q. lu, r.j. liu, j.g. lou, and y. liu, pinning stabilization of boolean control networks via minimum number of controllers, ieee transactions on cybernetics, doi:10.1109/tcyb.2019.2944659, in press.
[4].j.q. lu∗, y.q. wang, x.c. shi, and j.d. cao, finite-time bipartite consensus for multi-agent systems under detail-balanced antagonistic interactions, ieee transactions on systems, man and cybernetics: systems (regular paper), doi: 10.1109/tsmc.2019.2938419, in press.
[5].j.q. lu, b.w. li, and j. zhong, a novel synthesis method for reliable feedback shift registers via boolean networks, science china: information sciences, in press, doi:10.1007/s11432-020-2981-4.
[6].s.y. zhu, j.q. lu, t.w. huang, and y. liu, the output robustness of probabilistic boolean control networks with respect to one-bit perturbation, ieee transactions on control of network systems, doi:10.1109/tcns.2020.2999456, in press, 2020.
[7].b.w. li, and j.q. lu, boolean-network-based approach for the construction of filter generators, science china: information sciences, doi:10.1007/s11432-019-2813-7, in press.
[8].y. liu, l.q. wang, j.q. lu, and l. yu. pinning stabilization of stochastic networks with finite states via controlling minimal nodes, ieee transactions on cybernetics, in press.
[9].j. zhong, b.w. li, y.liu, j.q. lu, and w.h. gui, steady state design of large-dimensionalboolean networks, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, doi:10.1109/tnnls.2020.2980632,in press, 2020.
[10].c. huang, j.q. lu, g.s. zhai, j.d. cao, g.p. lu, and m. perc. stability and stabilization in probability of probabilistic boolean networks. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, doi: 10.1109/tnnls.2020.2978345, 2020.
[11].p. li, x.d. li and j.q. lu, input-to-state stability of impulsive delay systems with multiple impulses, ieee transactions on automatic control, doi:, 2020, in press.
[12].l.q. wang, y. liu, z.g. wu, j.q. lu, and l. yu. stabilization and finite time stabilization of probabilistic boolean control networks. ieee transactions on systems, man and cybernetics: systems (regular paper), doi: , in press.
[13].l.q. wang, m. fang, z.g. wu, and j.q. lu. necessary and sufficient condition on pinning stabilization for stochastic boolean networks. ieee transactions on cybernetics, doi: 10.1109/tcyb.2019.2931051, 2019.
[14].s.y. zhu, j.q. lu, and y. liu. asymptotical stability of probabilistic boolean networks with state delays. ieee transactions on automatic control, 65(4): 1779-1784, april 2020.
[15].r.j. liu, j.q. lu, w.x. zheng, and j. kurths. output feedback control for set stabilization of boolean control networks. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 31(6): 2129-2139, june 2020.
[16].b.x. jiang, j.q. lu∗, y. liu, j.d. cao, periodic event-triggered adaptive control for attitude stabilization under input saturation, ieee transactions on circuits and systems i: regular papers, 67(1): 249-258, jan. 2020.
[17].b.w. li, j.q. lu, y. liu, and z.g. wu. the outputs robustness of boolean control networks via pinning control. ieee transactions on control of network systems, 7(1):201-209, march 2020.
[18].s.y. zhu, j.q. lu, and d.w.c. ho. finite-time stability of probabilistic logical networks: a topological sorting approach. ieee transactions on circuits and systems ii: express briefs, 67(4):695-699, 2020.
[19].y. liu, b.x. jiang, j.q. lu, j.d. cao, g.p. lu. event-triggered sliding mode control for attitude stabilization of a rigid spacecraft. ieee transactions on systems, man and cybernetics: systems (regular paper), 50(9): 3290-3299, sep. 2020.
[20].x.s. yang, x.d. li, j.q. lu, and z.s. cheng. synchronization of time-delayed complex networks with switching topology via hybrid actuator fault and impulsive effects control. ieee transactions on cybernetics, 50(9):4043-4052, 2020.
[21].s.y. zhu, y. liu, j.g. lou, j.q. lu, f.e. alsaadi. sampled-data state feedback control for the set stabilization of boolean control networks. ieee transactions on systems, man and cybernetics: systems (regular paper), 50(4):1580-1589, april 2020.
[22].b.w. li, y. liu, j.g. lou, j.q. lu, and j.d. cao. the robustness of outputs with respect to disturbances for boolean control networks. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 31(3): 1046-1051, march 2020.
[23].y. liu, y.l. zheng, j.q. lu, j.d. cao, and l. rutkowski. constrained quaternion-variable convex optimization: a quaternion-valued recurrent neural network approach. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 31(3): 1022-1035, march 2020.
[24].y.q. wang, j.q. lu, and y.j. lou. halanay-type inequality with delayed impulses and its applications. science china: information sciences, 62(9): 192206, 2019.
[25].b.w. li, j.q. lu, j. zhong, y. liu. fast-time stability of temporal boolean networks. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 30(8): 2285-2294, august 2019.
[26].y.q. wang, j.q. lu, j.l. liang, j.d. cao, and m. perc. pinning synchronization of nonlinear coupled lur’e networks under hybrid impulses. ieee transactions on circuits and systems ii: express briefs, 66(3):432-436, 2019.
[27].b.w. li, j.q. lu, y. liu, and w.x. zheng. the local convergence of boolean networks with disturbances. ieee transactions on circuits and systems ii: express briefs, 66(4): 667-671, april 2019.
[28].j. zhong, d.w.c. ho, j.q. lu and q. jiao. pinning controllers for activation output tracking of boolean network under one-bit perturbation. ieee transactions on cybernetics, 49(9):3398-3408, 2019.
[29].q.x. zhu, y. liu, j.q. lu, j.d. cao. controllability and observability of boolean control networks via sampled-data control. ieee transactions on control of network systems, 6(4):1291-1301, 2019.
[30].q.x. zhu, y. liu, j.q. lu, and j.d. cao. further results on the controllability of boolean control networks. ieee transactions on automatic control, 64(1):440-442, 2019.
[31].x.s. yang, q. song, j.d. cao, and j.q. lu. synchronization of coupled markovian reaction-diffusion neural networks with proportional delays via quantized control. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 30(3):951-958, 2019.
[32].y. liu, l.y. tong, j.g. lou, j.q. lu, and j.d. cao. sampled-data control for the synchronization of boolean control networks. ieee transactions on cybernetics, 49(2): 726-732, 2019.
[33].j.q. lu, l.j. sun, y. liu, d.w.c. ho, j.d. cao. stabilization of boolean control networks under aperiodic sampled-data control. siam journal on control and optimization, 56(6)4385-4404, 2018.
[34].j.q. lu, m.l. li, t.w. huang, y. liu, j.d. cao. the transformation between the galois nlfsrs and the fibonacci nlfsrs via semi-tensor product of matrices. automatica,96:010204, 2018.
[35].y. liu, d.d. zhang, j.g. lou, j.q. lu, and j.d. cao. stability analysis of quaternion-valued neural networks: decomposition and direct approaches. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 29(9): 4201-4211,september 2018.
[36].z.z. wu, y.q. wu, z.g. wu, and j.q. lu. event-based synchronization of heterogeneous complex networks subject to transmission delays. ieee transactions on systems, man and cybernetics: systems (regular paper), 48(12):2126-2134, 2018.
[37].r.j. liu, j.q. lu, y. liu, j.d. cao, and z.g. wu. delayed feedback control for stabilization of boolean control networks with state delay. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 29(7):3283-3288, 2018.
[38].j.q. lu, m.l. li, y. liu, d.w.c. ho, j. kurths. nonsingularity of grain-likecascade fsrs via semi-tensor product. science china: information sciences,61(1):010204, 2018.
[39].q.x. zhu, y. liu, j.q. lu, and j.d. cao. observability of boolean controlnetworks. science china: information sciences, 61:092201, 2018.
[40].x.h. li, j.q. lu, j.l. qiu, x.y. chen, x.d. li and f.e. alsaadi. set stabilityfor switched boolean networks under open-loop/closed-loop switching signals.science china: information sciences, 61:092207, 2018.
[41].h.t. li, t.l. shen, and j.q. lu. special focus on analysis and control of finite-valued network systems. science china: information sciences, 61(1):010200, 2018.
[42].q.x. zhu, y. liu, j.q. lu, and j.d. cao. on the optimal control of boolean control networks. siam journal on control and optimization, 56(2): 1321-1341,2018.
[43].h.w. chen, j.l. liang, j.q. lu, and j.l. qiu. synchronization for the realization-dependent probabilistic boolean networks. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 29(4):819-831, april 2018.
[44].y. liu, j.d. cao, b.w. li, and j.q. lu. normalization and solvability of dynamic-algebraic boolean networks. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 29(7):3301-3306, 2018.
[45].r.q. lu, p. shi, h.y. su, z.g. wu, and j.q. lu. synchronization of general chaotic neural networks with nonuniform sampling and packet missing: a switched system approach. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 29(3):523-533, march 2018.
[46].j. zhong, j.q. lu, t.w. huang, d.w.c. ho. controllability and synchronization analysis of identical-hierarchy mixed-valued logical control networks. ieee transactions on cybernetics, 47(11): 3482-3493, 2017.
[47].y. liu, b.w. li, j.q. lu, and j.d. cao. pinning control for the disturbance decoupling of boolean networks. ieee transactions on automatic control,62(12):6595-6601, 2017.
[48].j. zhong, d.w.c. ho, j.q. lu and w.y. xu. global robust stability and stabilization of boolean network with disturbances. automatica, 84:142-148, 2017.
[49].h.w. chen, j.l. liang, and j.q. lu. partial synchronization of interconnected boolean networks. ieee transactions on cybernetics - regular paper, 47(1):258-266, 2017.
[50].j.q. lu, j. zhong, d.w.c. ho, y. tang and j.d. cao. on controllability of delayed boolean control networks. siam journal on control and optimization, 54(2): 475-494, 2016.
[51].j.q. lu, j. zhong, c. huang and j.d. cao. on pinning controllability of boolean control networks. ieee transactions on automatic control, 61(6):1658-1663, 2016.
[52].x.s. yang and j.q. lu. finite-time synchronization of coupled networks with markovian topology and impulsive effects. ieee transactions on automatic control,61(8):2256-2261, 2016.
[53].y. liu, l.j. sun, j.q. lu and j.l. liang. feedback controller design for the synchronization of boolean control networks. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 27(9):1991-1996, 2016.
[54].y. tang, h.j. gao, w. du, j.q. lu, a.v. vasilakos, and j. kurths. robust multiobjective controllability of neuronal networks. ieee/acm transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, 13(4):778-791, 2016.
[55].x.s. yang, d.w.c. ho, j.q. lu and q. song. finite-time cluster synchronization of t-s fuzzy complex networks with discontinuous subsystems and random coupling. ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, 23(6):2302-2316, 2015.
[56].c. huang, d.w.c. ho, j.q. lu and j. kurths. pinning synchronization in t-s fuzzy complex networks with partial and discrete-time couplings. ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, 23(4):1274-1285, august 2015.
[57].y. liu, h.w. chen, j.q. lu, and b.wu. controllability of probabilistic boolean control networks based on transition probability matrices. automatica, 52:340-345, 2015.
[58].j. zhong, j.q. lu, y. liu and j.d. cao. synchronization in an array of output-coupled boolean networks with time delay. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 25(12): 2288-2294, 2014.
[59].y. tang, h.j. gao, j.q. lu, and j. kurths. pinning distributed synchronization of stochastic dynamical networks: a mixed optimization approach. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 25(10): 1804-1815, oct. 2014.
[60].l.l. li, d.w.c. ho, and j.q. lu. a unified approach to practical consensus with quantized data and time delay. ieee transactions on circuits and systems-i: regular paper, 60(10):2668–2678,2013.
[61].n. mahdavi, m.b. menhaj, j. kurths, and j.q. lu. fuzzy complex dynamical networks and its synchronization. ieee transactions on cybernetics – regular paper, 43(2):648-659, 2013.
[62].x.s. yang, j.d. cao, and j.q. lu. synchronization of randomly coupled neural networks with markovian jumping and time-delay. ieee transactions on circuits and systems-i: regular paper, 60(2):363-376, 2013.
[63].j.q. lu, j. kurths, j.d. cao, n. mahdavi, and c. huang. synchronization control for nonlinear stochastic dynamical networks: pinning impulsive strategy. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, regular paper, 23(2):285–292, 2012.
[64].x.s. yang, j.d. cao, and j.q. lu. synchronization of markovian coupled neural networks with nonidentical node-delays and random coupling strengths. ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, regular paper, 23(1):60–71, 2012.
[65].x.s. yang, j.d. cao, and j.q. lu. stochastic synchronization of complex networks with nonidentical nodes via hybrid adaptive and impulsive control. ieee transactions on circuits and systems-i: regular paper, 59(2):371–384, 2012.
[66].c. huang, d.w.c. ho, and j.q. lu. partial-information-based distributed filtering in two-targets tracking sensor network. ieee transactions on circuits and systems-i: regular paper, 59(4):820-832, 2012.
[67].j.q. lu, d.w.c. ho, j.d. cao, and j. kurths. exponential synchronization of linearly coupled neural networks with impulsive disturbances, ieee transactions on neural networks, 22(2):329-335, 2011.
[68].y. liu, s.w. zhao, and j.q. lu, a new fuzzy impulsive control of chaotic systems based on t-s fuzzy model, ieee transactions on fuzzy systems, 19(2):393-398, apr 2011.
[69].j.q. lu,d.w.c. ho, and j.d. cao. a unified synchronization criterion for impulsive dynamical networks. automatica, 46:1215-1221, 2010.
[70].j.q. lu and d.w.c. ho. globally exponential synchronization and synchronizability for general dynamical networks. ieee transactions on systems, man and cybernetics, part b regular paper, 40(2):350-361, 2010.
[71].j.q. lu, d.w.c. ho, and z.d. wang. pinning stabilization of linearly coupled stochastic neural networks via minimum number of controllers. ieee transactions on neural networks, regular paper, 20(10):1617-1629, 2009.
[72].j.q. lu, j.d. cao, and d.w.c. ho. adaptive stabilization and synchronization for chaotic lur’e systems with time-varying delay. ieee transactions on circuits and systems-i: regular paper, 55(5):1347–1356, 2008.