
  • 聂小兵,男,博士,1977年10月生。东南大学数学学院副教授,博士生导师。2016年入选江苏省青蓝工程中青年学术带头人,2014年2月至2015年2月以国家公派访问学者身份访问澳大利亚西悉尼大学。聂小兵副教授长期从事网络动力学分析与控制、不连续系统、分数阶系统的研究,近年来已在ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems、ieee transactions on cybernetics、ieee transactions on circuits and systems-ii、ieee transactions on neural networks、 neural networks、nonlinear analysis、computers and mathematics with applications、international journal of systems science、 applied mathematics and computation、neurocomputing等国际重要学术刊物上发表sci和ei论文30余篇,sci引用480余次,h-指数为12。已主持完成国家自然科学基金(青年基金)、江苏省自然科学基金(青年基金)、教育部博士点基金和中国博士后基金各一项,现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目一项。
  • 近年代表性论文:

    1. x.b.nie*(聂小兵), jinling liang, jinde cao,  multistability analysis of competitive neural networks with gaussian-wavelet-type activation functions and unbounded time-varying delays, applied mathematics and computation, 356(2019):449-468. (sci, if: 2.300)

    2. x.b.nie*(聂小兵), jinde cao, shumin fei, multistability and instability of competitive neural networks with non-monotonic piecewise linear activation functions, nonlinear analysis: real world applications, 45(2019):799-821. (sci, if: 2.012)


    3. pingping liu, x.b.nie*(聂小兵), jinling liang, jinde cao, multiple mittag-leffler stability of fractional-order competitive neural networks with gaussian activation functions, neural networks, 108(2018):452-465. (sci, if: 7.197)

    4. x.b.nie(聂小兵), w. x. zheng, dynamical behaviors of multiple equilibria in competitive neural networks with discontinuous non-monotonic piecewise linear activation functions, ieee transactions on cybernetics, 46(2016):679-693. (sci, if: 8.803)

    5. x.b.nie(聂小兵), w. x. zheng, j.d.cao, coexistence and local \mu-stability of multiple equilibrium points for memristive neural networks with nonmonotonic piecewise linear activation functions and unbounded time-varying delays, neural networks, 84(2016): 172-180. (sci, if: 7.197)

    6. x.b.nie(聂小兵), w. x. zheng, multistability of neural networks with discontinuous non-monotonic piecewise linear activation functions and time-varying delays, neural networks, 65(2015):65-79. (sci, if: 7.197)

    7. x.b.nie(聂小兵), w. x. zheng, j.d.cao, multistability of memristive cohen-grossberg neural networks with non-monotonic piecewise linear activation functions and time-varying delays, neural networks, 71(2015):27-36. (sci, if: 7.197)

    8. x.b.nie(聂小兵), w. x. zheng, complete stability of neural networks with non-monotonic piecewise linear activation functions, ieee transactions on circuits and systems-ii, 62(2015):1002-1006. (sci, if: 2.450)

    9. x.b.nie(聂小兵), w. x. zheng, multistability and instability of neural networks with discontinuous nonmonotonic piecewise linear activation functions, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 26(2015):2901-2913. (sci, if: 7.982)

    10. x.b.nie(聂小兵), j.d.cao, s.m.fei, multistability and instability of competitive neural networks with mexican-hat-type activation functions, abstract and applied analysis, volume 2014, article id 901519, 20 pages. (sci, if: 1.274)

    11. x.b.nie(聂小兵), j.d.cao, s.m.fei, multistability and instability of delayed competitive neural networks with nondecreasing piecewise linear activation functions, neurocomputing, 119(2013):281-291. (sci, if: 3.241)

    12. x.b.nie(聂小兵), j.d.cao, existence and global stability of equilibrium point for delayed competitive neural networks with discontinuous activation functions, international journal of systems science, 43(2012): 459-474. (sci, if: 1.305)

    13. x.b.nie(聂小兵), z. k. huang, multistability and multiperiodicity of high-order competitive neural networks with a general class of activation functions, neurocomputing, 82(2012):1-13. (sci, if: 3.241)

    14. x.b.nie(聂小兵), j.d.cao, multistabilityof second-order competitive neural networks with nondecreasing saturated activation functions, ieee transactions on neural networks, regular paper,22(2011): 1694-1708. (sci, if: 7.982)

    15. x.b.nie(聂小兵), j.d.cao, multistability of competitive neural networks with time-varying and distributed delays, nonlinear analysis: real world applications, 10(2009): 928-942. (sci, if: 2.381)

    16. x.b.nie(聂小兵), j.d.cao, stability analysis for the generalized cohen-grossberg neural networks with inverse lipschitz neuron activations, computers and mathematics with applications, 57(2009): 1522-1536. (sci, if: 1.192)

    17. x.b.nie(聂小兵), j.d.cao, exponential stability of competitive neural networks with time-varying and distributed delays, proc. imeche part i: j. systems and control engineering,222(2008): 583-594. (sci, if: 0.322)

  • 主持的科研项目:

    1. 基于忆阻的分数阶时滞神经网络的多稳定性分析与控制,国家自然科学基金(面上项目),2017.01-

       2020.12, 在研,主持;

    2. 右端不连续时滞神经网络的多稳定性与分岔控制,国家自然科学基金(青年基金)2013.01-2015.12


    3. 基于有限时间收敛的右端不连续神经网络的多稳定性,江苏省自然科学基金(青年基金)2012.07-


    4. 带时滞的右端不连续神经网络的多稳定性研究,教育部博士点基金,2013.01-2015.12,已结题,主持;

    5. 右端不连续神经网络的多稳定性分析和分岔控制,中国博士后基金,2012.01-2013.12, 已结题,主持。


    1. 基于群体智能的分布式优化理论、方法及应用研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2019.01-

       2023.12, 在研,参与。

  • 1.中国指挥与控制学会网络科学与工程专业委员会委员
